Arrived South Georgia this morning about 08.30 ship’s time (10.30 GMT). Wind force 6 and ambiant temperature is about -5. Standing on deck, it would ”take the tattoo ofa your arm” (to borrow a quote from a Guy Clark song).
Sighted Cape Disappointment first which was first seen in 1775 by Captain James Cook. He thought he had reached the Great South Land (Antarctica) and was so upset to discover he had only arrived at an island in the Southern Ocean that he named the headland accordingly. The Island, on the other hand, he named after his King (George III).
Sailed up the dramatic and beautiful Drygalski Fjord. Very reminiscent of Milford Sound in NZ but more striking probably because of the jagged, towering peaks, snow covered valleys and a glacier around every headland. Mary may blog more on this later.
Meanwhile, we’re off to Grytviken, an old whaling station. We will visit the graveyard of Ernest Skhackleton and that is likely to be a poignant moment for all of us. It was the exploits of Shackleton and his men that inspired many of us to visit this part of the world.
More later